
 > 新聞中心 > 業(yè)務(wù)動(dòng)態(tài)



Application Process for applying "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)"


Please carefully review the instructions for "the Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)".


Please log in to the official website of China Travel Service Macao Limited (www.cts.com.mo) to carefully fill out the applicant's personal information and save it.


Please upload the applicant’s Macao Permanent Identity Card,  a Valid passport of the applicant and Certificate of Identification.


Please wait for the preliminary review by the staff of China Travel Service Macao Limited.


If the application is not approved, the applicant will receive a notification by email specifying the additional documents or information required. The applicant should follow the instructions in the email and log in to the pre-application system to correct and supplement the necessary documents and information until the application is approved.

如果未通過(guò)審核,申請人會(huì )接到郵件通知需要補充哪些資料,請申請人按照要求登錄預受理平臺補充完善資料和文件,直到通過(guò)審核為止。

After receiving the approval email , log in to the booking platform to schedule an appointment .

審核通過(guò)後,申請人會(huì )收到電郵通知,可在預約官網(wǎng)選擇辦理時(shí)間。

At the scheduled appointment time, bring all required original documents and materials to CTS Document Service Center. Upon arrival, please also take photo that meet the requirements of the "Guidelines For Travel Documents Photographs" and receipt.


Collect an application number at the inquiry counter.


Please wait in the designated waiting area for your number to be called. When your number is called, proceed to the assigned counter to process your application. After that, complete the payment and receive your receipt for processing.


Please bring your receipt of processing and Macao Identity Card to the pick-up counter of CTS Document Service Center according to the date indicated on the receipt. If you're replacing or reissuing your permit, please surrender the old one.
